The truth will set you free


I've arrived at the place I call home - Costa Rica. I'm deeply grateful for the land and the people of Costa Rica. Being here has been healing for the deepest parts I needed to connect with.

This land has been calling me back for the last six months, but I resisted the journey because of my desire to normalize myself. It wasn't until the pain in my life became overwhelming that I had no choice but to put everything down and come back home. 

Not returning was not an option, even though many didn't understand the journey. It was whispered in my ear to come back home, pulling me in dreams and waking me with a longing that does not leave you.

When I arrived, I had yet to learn what I was to do. I knew I needed to trust this part of the journey, and I have slowly allowed myself to do that, even though I sometimes resist because the familiar is to control, avoid, and be distracted.

I'm alive in many ways because everything around me is alive. I'm in a remote area and cannot escape the thoughts and feelings I haven't wanted to face - the unhealed trauma I desire to forget.

Here, the land invites me to so much more, to lay it all out, to receive the beauty within me, to not be afraid of my own power, and to take the risk of losing it all while gaining it all back with liberation and freedom.

There is magic here. I knew it the first time I stepped foot on this land. It's taken a week to decompress and release all the threads that kept me holding on to my limitations and being a victim in my own life. The land works with your body, your mind, and your soul. You simply have to be willing to surrender it all with no expectation. I walk into the light of God. I bare it all, opening my heart even deeper. I allow the grass to caress the longings of my heart, and the wind to continue opening me up.

Now I get to dance in a way I have never danced before. I get to be in worlds that cannot be perceived by the human eye.

I get to observe the beauty of what it means to witness God in everything.

I'm home.

I'm enchanted.

I'm free.

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