Are you disconnected from your gifts?

Are you disconnected from your gifts?

The signs of disconnection…

1. You are exhausted

We don’t realize how much energy we use when we expend our energy on things we don’t love.

That kind of exhaustion goes deep into your bones. Your heart constantly cries out for help, begging you to pay attention.

The fatigue of misalignment is real, deep, and painful.

2. Money is the sole purpose you do what you are doing

Our gifts have the power to provide provision, and when we align with them, we open the door to experiencing rest, joy, peace, and abundance –  which transcends monetary gains

I often read posts about people jumping into careers because the money is good. 

I did the same and it wasn’t worth the mental break down, the toxic projections, it wasn’t worth the stress of selling my soul.

I’ll say this again. 

Your gifts can sustain you while you enjoy rest, joy, peace, and abundance.

3. You are doing everything on your own instead of trusting God

Everything thrives in surrender.

Surrender doesn’t mean giving up; it means acknowledging that there’s a force greater than us – God – guiding and supporting us.

Look at nature: when a category 5 storm comes rolling through, you don’t see trees running away. That’s because everything is designed to thrive in surrender.

When we stop trusting God for our daily bread, we completely miss the beauty of how God moves and works through us in our gifts. 

We miss out on the provision that has already been provided.

Everything thrives in surrender.

Reconnecting with your gifts is not just about personal fulfillment; it's about contributing to the world in a way that only you can. 

It's a journey back to yourself, a path to finding peace, and joy in its truest form.

Take a moment today to ask yourself: Are you disconnected from your gifts? 

The signs might be there, subtly whispering for your attention. 

Listen to them, for in doing so, you begin the beautiful journey of reconnection, not just with your gifts, but with your essence and your true purpose in this world.

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