What If You Could Create Your Life as a Vacation?

The idea of creating my life as a vacation came to me during a challenging time in my life.  

I was at a point where I was fed up and tired. 

When you spend most of your day doing work you don't enjoy, you cannot see any other way because you have bills to pay, and you feel helpless to change things.

Do I just up and quit my job to escape this hellish nightmare?

But how will I pay my bills? 

I had hit rock bottom in my life. 

Hitting rock bottom can be a double-edged sword because you know things need to change but don't know how to do it.

The first thing I want you to know if you are at rock bottom is that what's showing up in your life is a gift.

You are receiving all the awareness of what is not working in your life.

Take the feedback and act on it.

Here are two secrets to moving your life toward unlimited vacation days:

  • Acknowledge yourself for knowing that something has to change
    Most people stay in abusive situations because they don't believe things can change. Working a job that you do not like is an abusive situation. Change begins right when you say, "this does not work for me."

Once you've acknowledged what it is, ask questions to invite new possibilities.

  • Ask powerful questions
    A powerful question I ask during difficult moments is: 

hat will it take to change things? 

This question invites a different possibility in your life.

The secret to allowing this question to transform your life with ease is...

Don't look for the answer when you start asking this question. 

Let your awareness lead you to discover the greatest possibility. 

Awareness is the whispers that speak to you, the things you intuitively feel you should do even when it does not make sense—choose those things.

When I first asked this question—what would it take to change things? —to change the impossible situation that I thought could never change, I received a few action steps that I needed to take:

  • Don't sit at my desk all day long
  • Incorporate play into my day-to-day
  • Get clear on what I desire to create
  • Know how much it will cost to live the life of my dreams


Maybe you're stuck, and you've reached the end of your rope, and you feel like you don't have the time or energy to do this alone.

My new program, 30 days to Creating Your Dream Lifeinvites you to get unstuck and start creating your dream life with ease.

It is reassuring to know the tools in this program have your back. You will not be alone as you move towards changing some of the most frustrating things in your life.  

You'll have a set of tools that will allow you to actualize your dreams quickly and easily. (These are not the standard manifesting tools—this is next-level dynamic creation.)

When you join this program, you'll start living the life of your dreams, where every day could become a vacation.


Enroll today>>> I'm Ready Grace

Grace Covington

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