How to be Extravagantly Happy

Do you desire to be extravagantly happy?

Extravagantly happy is when you are genuinely happy to be ALIVE.

Your happiness does not depend on whether your business is succeeding, how much money you have in your bank account, or whether or not everything is going according to your plan. Happiness is a choice—something we can all tap into any time we want.

Here are THREE ways to be extravagantly happy

1.     Honor Your Gifts

I am the happiest when honoring my gifts: creating content, playing in my garden, recording videos, growing my business, creating moments with the people I treasure, and facilitating clients. 

I committed years ago to bringing all my gifts into the world and honoring all my ideas rather than hiding them.

What gifts are you hiding that you could bring into the world that would allow you to become extravagantly happy?

If you are struggling with finding the spark in your life, it may be time to dust off some of your ideas and bring them to life.

2.     The Art of Resting

I'm a recovering workaholic and have visited the dark hole of being burnt out. I've watched my body start to break down because overworking, being exhausted, and pushing my body was not sustainable.

Society wants to keep you overworked, stressed, and grinding to the bone. It's a profitable business for you to be sick and exhausted. It becomes easy to manipulate you when you are unwell and on the verge of a breakdown.

Rest is what brought me back home. 

Through rest, I started taking back my power and began to value the gift of who I am. I started to enjoy being alone. I began to trust myself again, and I'd have these bursts of happiness where my entire body vibrated with joy at the thought of being alive.

I’d bring my books and rest in parks or at the beach. I’d easily start finding myself lost in the joy of living. There is nothing like feeling the air caress your skin or hearing kids squeal with joy sliding down a slide and not giving a hoot about making money.

When you create from a space rest, you know that the money you require to live the lifestyle of your dreams will show up. You don’t have to overwork to live the life of your dreams.

I stopped struggling and discovered that I could easily create everything I desired. Some of my most profitable 10K ideas came after taking a nap.

3.     Happiness is a Choice

When you realize that happiness is a choice, you can no longer blame anyone for your unhappiness. We live in a time where it is essential to know that you can choose to be happy.

Your happiness can quickly escape from the grip of your soul if you allow others to control you with their judgments and points of view.

Many people don't want to see you become happy. They can't wait for you to give up your happiness and join them in their field of unhappiness.

Be mindful of your inner circles—are they uplifting you or dragging you down?

Notice when people try to trigger you and invite you into their battlefield, and you start fighting wars that don't belong to you.

A fast way to destroy your happiness is by trying to make everyone around you happy. Stop trying to save people. Let people choose what they will choose; it is not your responsibility to heal people. You must realize that everyone has a choice.

I'm so happy to be alive and grateful for the gift of life! 

Do you desire to be extravagantly happy? You can when you are bringing your ideas into the world.

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