Deep Peace in 2024

 Today was deeply peaceful.

The first beach I visited was chaotic, with people fighting for a parking spot. Immediately, I left because I didn't want to immerse my body in energies that didn’t align with my intentions. Sometimes, the kindest thing you can do for yourself is to distance yourself from energies that have nothing to do with you.

Unexpectedly, I discovered a quiet nook on a different beach and allowed every cell in my body to relax and unwind. The beach has a way of bringing me back home to myself.

With the holiday frenzy and my decision to abstain from stress, financial burdens, and expectations, there was a moment of questioning whether I should be engaged in the hustle. The weight of it all was palpable.

Having spent the last four years learning from what many may consider third-world countries about the healing power of slowing down, our lives have been transformed. Everything that used to matter no longer matters. I've learned how to simply enjoy life, to live again by watching people who have so little yet have everything while chasing nothing.

I'm not advocating poverty; Having money makes life easier. I'm saying live an honest life for yourself. Honesty is living a life that's true for you, not dictated by what the perfect life should look like.

As I scroll through my feed, looking at pictures with a million gifts, I wonder if it's all necessary - how much will be used, and what will eventually be thrown away? Yet, our Earth is in disarray with waste, overconsumption, and birds becoming extinct. What are we really doing?

Feeling a bit lost with my new life and old ways still before me, I reflect on being an over-consumer myself. However, I learned from those who had so little.

The waves, ocean, and fresh air bring me back home to the simple joys of the life that I deeply yearn for, focusing on the moment at hand. Focusing on what truly matters, which is the moment you are in.

Afterwards, I head to the library 🤓.

Happy Holidays 🎄!

Do you desire to rest in your gifts? Rest here

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