5 Self-Care Tips that Can Make You Money

In a world that prioritizes productivity and hustle culture, self-care has become a forgotten currency. We often overlook the importance of taking care of ourselves, and how it can contribute to our overall well-being, creativity, and financial abundance.

When we prioritize self-care, we naturally tap into our most creative ideas that could create more income for us. When we rest, we receive the awareness of how to actualize our most lucrative ideas.

When we spend time worrying or being anxious, we keep every possibility that could contribute to having everything we desire away.

Here are 5 ways to prioritize self-care and put dollars in your bank account with ease:

  1. Be Present: Take five minutes out of your day to sit in silence and be present. Relaxation allows you to ignite your imagination and tap into your most creative ideas. A few minutes of being present each day can help you reduce stress and find clarity in your thoughts.

  2. Prioritize Joy: Start your day each day by looking at how you can add more joy to your life. The more you prioritize joy, the more money will naturally flow to you. To do this, indulge in all the things that bring you joy. Whether it's in your favorite treat, enjoying your own company, or spending time with your favorite people. Prioritize JOY! 

    Money follows joy. The more you commit to creating a life of joy, money will show up in your bank account consistently with ease.

  3. Disconnect from technology: Step outside and enjoy the natural world around you. Disconnecting from technology allows you to experience a deeper sense of grounding and you're able to reconnect to your own inner wisdom. You'll be amazed at how stepping away from your devices can inspire fresh and lucrative ideas.

  4. Move your body. Moving your body connects you to your bodies internal wisdom. A ten-minute walk around the block can be enough time to help clear your mind, boost your mood, and improve your overall well-being. As long as you are moving your body from a space of non-judgment, you’ll quickly release judgments that may be holding you back from the goldmine of ideas you can turn into peaceful profits.

  5. Work less and rest: Resting allows your overall well-being to thrive. Ask yourself this question to find out where in your life you can start working less and resting, “Where am I working hard in my life when I don't need to?” This questions allows you to become aware of how you can start creating more ease in your life by giving up all the places you are working too hard.

    You may be surprised how much room you’ll have to work less.

Bonus: Honor Your ideas

Honoring your ideas is self-care. Take action on the ideas you have and bring them to life.

Taking care of yourself is acknowledging that you are valuable. It's showing yourself how grateful you are for YOU by creating the life you desire.

When you take care of yourself, you naturally unlock your highest potential for creativity and financial abundance. 

Sign up for our free guide Monetize and Workless to learn more about cultivating abundance while working less.

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