Recession-Proof Your Bank Account

You've seen the news headlines— “Hold on to your money!” “Financial warning: 2023 recession will be long and ugly.”

Many people are worried and scared.

The way media pushes this narrative will cause you to feel like you are at the effect rather than acknowledging your power as a creator to create anything you desire with ease.

You can let go of the stress.

Here are two ways to recession-proof your bank account.

1.             Stop Giving Away Your Power 

Where your focus goes, energy flows. If people continue to buy into the idea that a recession is heading our way, we will quickly actualize this with the energy we give to this fear.

Anything you give energy to grows. We are that powerful.

Rather than laying down your life to thoughts of fear, you can empower yourself by asking these three questions:

a)    Is this true for me (that a recession is heading your way)?

What’s true for others may not be true for you.

If the answer is no, why invest in these energies?

b)    What awareness can I receive from the global economy?

Awareness is empowering. You have choices when you have awareness. Sometimes it's looking at how you can use everyone’s fear to your advantage.

Some people have turned themselves into millionaires during a recession.

c)    Is the panic you feel with money yours?

The way we relate to money most often comes from how we were raised to feel about money. Is the panic actually yours, or did someone pass this panic on to you? What if your reality is ease when it comes to creating money, and nothing stops that ease unless you start panicking?

I work with clients that once they discover their reality with money, they never have a “money problem” again. They become empowered to know they can create the money they require. And when they start going into the loop of worry and fear, they simply ask questions to gain awareness to change things.

Knowing your reality with money is a major way to recession-proof your bank account.

2.     What can you add to your life that will give you the financial freedom you desire?

Monetizing my ideas has opened up possibilities I could never have imagined.

The magic of turning an idea into income is life-affirming and connects you to your power to create.

I have a simple way to take your ideas and easily create repeatable income.

It is one of the easiest things to do. 

I love working with clients who believe they cannot monetize their ideas. When they receive this process, their life is changed because they know that they can start creating the income they desire with ease. Watching this transformation is what I love most.

If you are ready to recession-proof your bank account and start getting paid for your ideas, sign up for my free weekly email series—Monetize and Work Less: For entrepreneurs who desire to begin generating 10K months from your ideas (while working less!)

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