Unkindness can fall into many areas…
Everywhere you doubt yourself
Every time you judge YOU
Everywhere you are unwilling to have ease in your life
Everywhere you are afraid of being judged as weird, too much, and wrong
I’ve also been looking at until we start being kind to ourselves only then can we truly be kind to another.
We’ll begin to see the miracle and gift it is to be on this planet.
Imagine how many wars would end if from kindergarten being kind was taught in classrooms.
What if classroom curriculum included being kind to you and others, how different would our world be?
Maybe it’s time to look at kindness as the pathway and possibility to being joyful - how this could be what changes everything.
Being kind to you does not mean you are a doormat.
Being kind to you is acknowledging that there are people that will show up on your path that are not aligned with your journey.
Not everyone is for you, and everyone is not required to like you.
I’m committed to my journey to being kind to me.
I’m committed to truly showing up in the world without apology!
I’m choosing what I know to be true for me
Joyful on planet earth.
Would you be willing to be kind to you so that everything else can fall in place?
Grace Covington