Foreign Lands Can Heal You


When you trust the journey you're on even though that journey is uncomfortable you'll find yourself.

I've been here in Costa Rica for a while and recently experienced a deeper transformation with the land that has changed my life.

When I look back on my healing journey with the land here, it began while attending a festival in the small town I was living in.

Mid-day, and mid-week, the community came together to celebrate.

I wondered if people had to take off work to be there because it seemed like the entire town was there. When I asked, I was told it's normal to leave work to attend community events.

It was a bit shocking, as I thought of my life in the States—when I worked a traditional job, anytime you wanted to take time off, it was a request. It’s not normal to just leave work to celebrate.

I realized I was in for a surprise the moment I arrived at the festival. The air was filled with an infectious joy that seemed to dance all around me.

People moved with such freedom, their dancing a beautiful expression of pure happiness. Their faces glowed with radiant joy. I had never witnessed anything like it before.

Tears began to fill my eyes as I recognized how exhausted I was from working so hard all my life. At that moment, I started to break down the walls and let go of the years spent in toxic workplaces.

Words cannot fully capture what took place—I just know that being present in that energy, with traditional music playing in the background, my body began to release the emotional burdens that had stopped me from fully enjoying every moment of being alive.

The community held space for me, waiting for me to become one with them in the celebration of life.

From that transformative experience, I began a week-long journey to connect with the beautiful land here.

During this time, I have received many tools and insights that I am now incorporating into my practice as a forest therapist and into other parts of my business.

The land here in Costa Rica is a vortex of healing, offering a meaningful connection to who you truly are.

Maybe you're thinking, "I'd love to have experiences like this, but time and money are my biggest challenges."

I completely understand. There's something I haven't shared with you all about the tools we have access to, tools that can help create a life that honors the totality of who we are.

I'm sharing the process that has transformed my life, and it can transform yours too. Click here to learn more.

With ease,

Grace Covington

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